4 | Simple Faith: the Jolie Hoenshell story

Jolie Hoenshell stands with her arms behind her back, swaying back and forth as she answers questions about her faith, and what made her want to get baptized. She’s only nine years old, but when she smiles, you can see the Holy Spirit at work in her life.  

    Jolie is the oldest of four children born to Pastor Jeff and his wife, Carissa. Growing up in a family with other brothers and sisters can have an impact on your life – Jolie trusted in Jesus when she was five years old, in part because of the influence of her brother. “My brother Judah believed in Jesus, so I thought I should believe too,” she said. “I wanted to go to Heaven!”

    The Hoenshell’s moved to Virginia about a year and a half ago when they answered God’s calling to come serve in leadership at Harvest Fairfax, in Virginia. Jolie was excited to move to Virginia and meet new friends, but amidst all the change, she knew the Holy Spirit was working in her life, calling her to something more. 

“I had been saved for a really long time,” she said. “I thought I was ready to get baptized.”

    It is easy to see how the Holy Spirit is at work in Jolie’s life too. When asked how Jesus has changed her life since believing in Him, she answered: “at night before bed I think of things I need to pray about. There will be times when I wonder what the right thing to do is, but the Holy Spirit will tell me.” 

    God is at work by providing His Holy Spirit to all believers, and prompting them to seek and obey Him. Seeing God at work in Jolie’s life is an inspiration – a simple, believing faith that leads to salvation, obedience, and a deeper relationship in Christ, regardless of age.